What is a bone graft?

Missing teeth over a period of time can cause your jaw bone to atrophy, or resorb. This often results in poor quality and quantity of bone suitable for the placement of dental implants as well as long-term shifting of remaining teeth and changes to the facial structure. Most patients, in these situations, are not candidates for dental implants.

Fortunately, today we have the ability to grow bone where it is needed. This not only gives us the opportunity to place implants of proper length and width, but it also gives us a chance to restore functionality and aesthetic appearance.

How does Minor Bone Grafting And Reconstruction work?

Bone grafting is a minor surgical procedure that is normally done in a dental office. An incision is made in your gum to gain access to the bone beneath it, and then grafting material is added. Most often, the grafting material is processed bone minerals around which your body will actually deposit new bone cells. The basic requirement for the placement of a dental implant is having the adequate bone height and bone thickness. If either is lacking, then a bone graft may be required in order to allow for placement of an implant. Typical scenarios include the following:

Frequently asked questions

+ How long does it take to recover from a dental bone graft?

The initial recovery period last about two weeks. However, we have to wait for the bone graft to fuse with the natural bones that are already in your mouth. Unfortunately, we all heal differently and there is no exact time frame for how quickly this happens. It is not uncommom for it to take anywhere from 3 months to an entire year for the bone graft to fuse and become solid bone mass.


Schedule an appointment today to determine if you require bone grafting for further restorative options